Nov 6, 2011

Me and my box #1

Drags in box to start my ranting about my week.

This month started pretty gloomy with midterms, but didn't last long as the mid term was done by the second. Then I spent some time reading, and I finally finished one of the books that I started to read for Bout Of Books read-a-thon A Spy In The House by Y.S. Lee. I might have exaggerated how much I loved the book on my review so I thought I should do that again. If you haven't read this book, definitely check it out.  

When I was seeing everyone reading Heart Of Steel by Meljean Brook in my goodreads/ Google reader/ twitter updates, I just couldn't handle it. I BOUGHT THE DAMN BOOK! I am so not book shopping for another month I swear (this time I will keep it..... I think). I am not to blame for this purchase, it's just too tempting and I have been waiting for a looooong time for this book to come out after The Iron Duke.

In other news I have a new rating system
A new boyfriend  XD
The complete series of Harry Potter!
And I also started watching the new series Once Upon A Time.

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