Hola my fellow turtles. I am soooo happy after knowing most of the readers are turtles, like me! *turtle huggles all around*
cool turtle |
We have been discussing Some Girls Bite for two weeks now. You can read my thoughts on the first four chapters
here and up to chapter eight
here. Today we will be talking some more about the next few chapters. Head over to Rummanah's
Books in the Spotlight to see more of this amazing discussions.
Catcher and Ethan share some personality traits. What makes
Mallory, Merit, and even us readers attracted to these guys? Would you
date/mate with someone like these guys in real life?
Attract to this guys? Well they are supernatural, I guess that's the biggest reason for the attraction. Ethan has fangs, which means we are bound to be attracted to this man. And Catcher he is just too sexy ..... also Mallory has planted the seed of him being cuffed to her bed so I guess Cather has plus points on the attraction department ;)
I would mate with Cather in a heartbeat. Ethan, we will have great shagging. Am I allowed to say that! Shagging! lol. But no I wouldn't date either of these guys, I don't want to fight with my boyfriend every time I try to have a conversation! I think I would rather date Jeff though. Nerdy, werewolf, hilarious my kinnda man :D
In Chapter 9 we learn of another murder. Do you see any patterns with
the previous murder and Merit's attack? Do you have any guesses as to
who is responsible and the motive behind the murders?
I am guessing the vampire (whose name I don't remember right now) of that club where Merit and Mallory went with Cather. Not really not seeing a pattern yet, maybe when I go further in the book?
The commendation is my favorite moment in the book and a significant
event in Merit's life. She has finally come to terms that she is a
Cadogan vampire. Were you surprised at all that Merit resisted Ethan's
call and that he made her a Sentinel? Do you think she'll do well in
this position? Why or why not?
Nope, not surprised. She already resisted it once when she was on that club so I am guessing that's her special vampire power. And I loved the commendation scene!
Merit will probably need a lot of training before she can handle the position she is given. But with proper training from Catcher and as she seems to be grasping being a vampire a little better as the book develops also she is a bit protective about the Cadogan house, so I say she will rise up to the challenge if the situation occurs.
Loyalty is a
reoccurring theme throughout the book and much of this series. Why is it
so important to Ethan that he needs Merit's allegiance? Is it solely a
Master and Sentinel thing or does it imply something else?
Ethan is four hundred years old, he is powerful, master of the Cadogan house. All the Cadogan vampires are loyal to him and having Merit challenge him in a fight once it's important for him that the house doesn't think anyone can do that. So perhaps announcing her as Sentinel, he is probably stating that not every one can resist his call. Unless they have that power, of course!
I would have to say he has every intention of getting into her pants. So no not solely Master and Sentinel relationship between these two.
If you had the opportunity to sit down with Ethan, Merit, Mallory, and
Catcher for a bite to eat like in the beginning of Chapter 12, what
questions would you ask them at this point of the story?
Merit: Where do you put all these food?
Mallory: What type of hair dye do you use?
Ethan: Do you like rough or gentle?
Catcher: Can I hug you? *I shall shamelessly grope him*