Dec 28, 2011

Finished and failed reading challenges

I suck at reading challenges.

Reason #1 I never knew I was suppose to go back to the blog of the reading challenge hosts to show off the books I read for this challenges every month *face palm*

Reason #2 I just love sighing up for challenges -_-

Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge 
Status: Success. 
Men in Uniform Reading Challenge 
Men In Uniform 2011
Status: Fail
Vampire Challenge 2011
Status:I can not believe it
But I failed.
100+ Reading Challenge 2011
Status:  Nope only went halfway.
Erotic Reading Challenge 2011
Status:  I think my status as eraotic
reader is going haywire.

Status:  SUCCESS!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much the only challenge I completed was the Vampire RC! *sighs*

    Still, I can't help signing up for a bunch because the buttons are so cute!! :)

    This year will be better for us!
